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R/a/dio doesn’t version its API, but could in future. The current base URL is Prepend this to every method here.

Response types

Every object returned by the API (with the exception of errors, see below) returns two objects: main and meta. Meta is a short object returning information about the current request, and available routes (as well as our stream URL). Responses will only detail the main object.


PUT and DELETE are not available in most browsers, so Symfony2 will obey the _method POST parameter, set to either PUT or DELETE for this.

Resource Group 

Current Info 

The main object returns an absolute monster of a response. This is cached every 1 second as it is time-sensitive. In general you should only really need this API response if you want to make a status display for R/a/dio. Any keys not mentioned below is either obsolete or subject to change.

Fetch Data
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
        "np":           string,          // currently playing song
        "listeners":    integer,         // current listeners
        "isafkstream":  0 or 1,          // boolean, is Hanyuu (the afk streamer) playing?
        "start_time":   long or null,    // timestamp for the start of the song. can be null. (64bit int)
        "end_time":     long or null,    // timestamp for the end of the song. (64bit int)
                                         // can be null if not known. Can also be inaccurate.
        "trackid":      integer or null, // if not null, the ID of the current track in the database
        "thread":       string or null,  // current 4chan thread, if any (url)
        "requesting":   0 or 1,          // boolean, is requesting allowed right now?
        "djname":       string,          // textual representation of a DJ's name exactly as written in IRC
        "current":      long,            // current server time (64bit int)
        "dj": {                          // current DJß
            "id":       integer,         // DJ's internal ID
            "djname":   string,          // DJ's name (use this instead of djname outside of the object)
            "visible":  0 or 1,          // is the DJ supposed to be visible on the staff page?
            "role":     string,          // string representation of a user's role in r/a/dio
            "theme_id": 2                // ID of the theme used by this DJ
        "queue": [                       // current queue, only available for hanyuu
                "meta":      string,     // metadata for the given item
                "time":      string,     // html timeago timestamp for use in javascript
                "timestamp": long,       // timestamp representing when the song will play (64bit int)
                "type":      integer     // 0: random song, 1 = request, 2+ = internal state, assume 1
            ... // limit subject to change
        "lp": [                          // last played songs
                "time":      string,     // html timeago timestamp for use with javascript
                "timestamp": long,       // timestamp representing when the song played (64bit int)
                "meta":      string      // metadata for the given item
            ... // limit subject to change

DJ Image 

The PUT, POST and DELETE methods are authenticated; you can only change an image if it belongs to the user making the call or if the user is a Developer.

Fetch Image

This will return the image associated with a dj (or a default image). A 404 is returned if an ID did not match a DJ.

  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers
    Content-Type: image/png
  • Response  404Toggle
  • Headers
    Content-Type: text/html
Upload Image

Upload a file to this URL with the key image, and the current user’s image will be added (replaces the current entry in the database with the user’s ID instead of just overwriting the file)

  • Parameters
  • image
    image (required) 

    The image to upload.

  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
        "success": true or false,    // if true, error key should be present
        "error":   string (optional) // see above

Last Played 

Return as set as big as you like using the limit and offset GET parameters. Keep in mind that data is constantly changing and if you fetch data in chunks it could result in either a missing or a duplicated entry.

Fetch Data
  • Parameters
  • limit
    number (optional) Default: 25 

    How many entries to return.

    number (optional) Default: 0 

    The offset from which results should be given, used in combination with limit for pagination.

  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
            "meta":      string,   // metadata for the song played
            "timestamp": long      // unix timestamp of when the song was played (64bit int)
        ... // n = ?limit


Queue data is always returned as a variable-length array in its entirety, and isn’t paginated.

Fetch Data
  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
            "meta":      string,   // song metadata
            "timestamp": long,     // unix timestamp of when the song was played (64bit int)
            "type":      0 or 1,   // boolean flag for if the song is a request or not.
        ... // n = ?limit

All News 

View All News Posts
  • Parameters
  • limit
    number (optional) Default: 20 

    How many news posts to return in the response.

    number (optional) Default: 0 

    The offset from which results should be given, used in combination with limit for pagination.

  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
            "id": integer, // ID for seach news post. Used to fetch further info.

News Posts 

View an individual news post. Note that this response can be extremely large if you allow comments.

View Post
  • Parameters
  • comments
    boolean (optional) Default: 0 

    Boolean switch for enabling comments

  • Response  200Toggle
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
        "id": integer,
        "created_at": date,
        "updated_at": date,
        "header": string,
        "title": string,
        "body": {
            "markdown": string,         // post body (markdown)
            "html": string              // post body (html)
        "author": {
            "name": string              // author's name
        "comments": integer or array    // number of comments unless ?comments=1 (else array of comments)
                                        // see GET /comments/{id} for the objects in this array

Generated by aglio on 11 Jul 2014