Mon, 19 May 14 15:01:42 UTC

Update: I've added a basic Favorites page under Stats. Check it out and tell me how horrible it is what you think.

The site now has theme selection. Check More options for a varied menu of, uh... two themes. Don't worry, we'll make more.

You can also let the site pick for you, in which case it will pick the theme of the active DJ, or if the DJ does not have a theme, the default light theme.

Aaaand, you probably won't even notice this because I just set all DJ themes to the dark one for now. So unless you explicitly select the light one, you'll never get it.


Anonymous (61c6) #440 (2015-11-20 01:49:06UTC)

can you made a tutorial video, doing the Webpage in github?

Vin ## Admin #311 (2014-07-02 14:08:29UTC)

No, but I don't recall the old site being capable of that either?

Anonymous (86f6) #308 (2014-06-29 00:25:57UTC)

Can favourites still be edited by inputting the code from Hanyuu-sama?

Anonymous (c033) #305 (2014-06-26 17:29:11UTC)

Anonymous (dd3e) #280 (2014-06-06 11:16:07UTC)

Definitely not either of those.

exci ## Mod #279 (2014-06-06 08:23:36UTC)


Whoops! Something broke.


array(4) {
  string(103) "Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException: Call to undefined function Michelf\utf8_encode()"
  string(80) "#0 [internal function]: Illuminate\Exception\Handler->handleShutdown()
#1 {main}"
  string(68) "/srv/radio/www/live/vendor/michelf/php-markdown/Michelf/Markdown.php"