Tue, 18 Feb 20 23:00:55 UTC

The cooldown between requesting songs is now lowered from 1 hour to 30 minutes.

That is all.


Anonymous (0927) #1562 (2020-03-17 18:14:23UTC)

next stream eta wen

Anonymous (41a1) #1561 (2020-03-15 16:36:22UTC)

Very nice

Anonymous (88ae) #1560 (2020-03-02 21:10:18UTC)

Thank you Vin, very cool, Vin.

Anonymous (a287) #1558 (2020-02-22 00:51:30UTC)

Good work Vin, please save r/a/dio.

Anonymous (dc77) #1557 (2020-02-22 00:24:07UTC)

Very Vin, cool you thank

Anonymous (3207) #1556 (2020-02-20 12:30:58UTC)

Cool Vin, very thank you.

Anonymous (5270) #1555 (2020-02-19 16:10:47UTC)

Thank Vin, you very cool.

Anonymous (869d) #1554 (2020-02-19 15:06:33UTC)

Vin you cool, very thank.

Anonymous (63b3) #1553 (2020-02-19 13:55:17UTC)

Thank you cool, very Vin.

Anonymous (69c9) #1552 (2020-02-19 03:33:26UTC)

Thank you Vin, very cool

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