Those of you who frequent the IRC have undoubtedly seen work being put into a bot called SANIC_HEGEHOD. For those who are unfamiliar; SANIC_HEGEHOD is an xdcc bot full to the brim with only the highest quality ero games. Pack lists are updated quite frequently and are passed through some "quality filter". If you'd like to take a look at the list of titles present, please head on over to at your earliest convenience. All you have to do is connect to the Rizon network and send SANIC_HEGEHOD a message with whatever you want! This isn't exclusive to those who join #r/a/dio - anyone can use this.
Any questions, comments or concerns can be directed to Wessie Kilim Wessie exci Wessie (/msg Wessieexci Kilim Wessie exci Wessie) on IRC. No thanks is needed, simply using the bot and indulging yourself in high quality ero is all the thanks we need. Alternatively you can post "fuck dr eggmun" in this thread.
Many thanks to pellet222 for doing the bulk of the work in terms of curating the bot and uploading ero, exci for taking a fucking month to work on a site with one moving image and 2 separate divs jesus christ why the fuck, and the r/a/dio staff for letting such a shitshow slide. Also if you don't know what to do with this congratulations the retard filter is working.
Ero on lads...ero on...
fuck dr eggmun