You can upload a song


  • VERY IMPORTANT: Search first to make sure that the song isn't already in the database!
  • Low quality uploads are likely to be declined if it's obvious better quality versions are available
  • Anything below 192kbps is rejected. Do not upload YouTube rips.
  • Please include as much information as possible in the comment field, especially source (name of the anime, VN, game). If there is no source work, please mention this.
  • Why did my submission get declined?


  • Artist and title are required; at least put them in the comment, if not in the artist and title tags.
  • Avoid Japanese characters unless it's absolutely necessary. Uploads with too much kana/kanji may be declined.
  • Do not include character names or "CV" notation; vocalists only.
  • If you can remember, please include where you downloaded the file from
  • An example of a good comment

Upload a song to the R/a/dio database. We accept both MP3 (30MB max) and FLAC (90MB max).

Add the source, artist and title if tags are missing, etc.

Sometimes, songs in the database aren't up to snuff. If you have a good copy of a track listed here, select the track in the list and upload it!

Enter the daypass and you can have unlimited uploads until midnight, UTC. Ask staff in IRC for it (guide). USE WITH DISCRETION. Uploading full soundtracks or albums without asking for a daypass will probably end in everything being declined.

There are currently 4 pending tracks awaiting approval.


18040 accepted submissions.
31 accepted in the last 2 weeks.
0 accepted submissions from (You).

Rentarou Family - Arigato, Daisuki ni Natte Kurete


amazarashi - Tsuukaku

Lightning - Stalwart / Thousand Fields

Serizawa Yuu & Melody Chubak & Yonca - Cryptogram

Wonderland Gang - Moeru Heart de ~Red Ribbon Gun wo Yattsukero~

Tanimoto Takayoshi - Chou Super Dragon Soul

Kamiya Akira - Kareru Daichi

Yuria (CV: Yuriko Yamamoto) - Ai wa Oni

Lotus Juice & Azumi Takahashi - It’s Going Down Now

harmoe - Twinkle Days


Higuchi Kaede & Kanae - Yummy Yummy

Rei - Enter

Mili - Hero

Yorushika - Aporia

Yorushika - Hebi

Calla Soiled - After discarding

Gemie - Connexion

Ado - Shoka


4384 declined submissions.
10 declined in the last 2 weeks.
0 declined submissions from (You).


very important test

Declining this as it was submitted again with proper tags.

Matt Uelmen - Catacombs

Declining my own test upload.

羊文学 - 涙の行方

Decline test, please ignore.

ずっと真夜中でいいのに綺羅キラー (feat. Mori Calliope)MV (ZUTOMAYO Kira Killer).mp3

Very low quality file.

Calla Soiled - After discarding



this looks like a bad transcode, please do better, or at least show that this is the best available quality

R!N/Gemie - Connexion

low quality

MyGO!!!!! - Hitoshizuku

Please do not upload the same song more than once.

MyGO!!!!! - Shiori

Please do not upload the same song more than once.

Ave Mujica - KiLLKiSS

Please do not upload the same song more than once.

Grace=Kenzaburou (CV: Kazuhiko Inoue, CV: Mao Ichimichi) - Matsuken Samba II

Uploaded a better version. See ID nº17655.


>Converted by

girl_dm, darkbluecat - I Really Want to Stay at Your House

Awich - Frontiers

Uploaded a better quality version myself.

Ken Takakura - Abashiri Bangaichi

very dubious quality, and cool song but old japanese movies aren't actually anime


low quality

KOTOKO - Colorful Kiss! Theme

mojibake tags; if you can fix the album title it'll be A-OK