Fri, 08 Feb 19 04:40:36 UTC

As per the yearly tradition, Claud will be hosting a Valentine's Day stream. If you are on the verge of suicide, be sure to postpone it so you can tune in and contribute to his kill count. If you aren't, tune in to remind yourself about how you are alone and will never be with your waifu.

Stream Start:

  • 22:00 GMT
  • 07:00 JST (02/15)
  • 17:00 EST
  • 14:00 PST


Anonymous (a242) #1447 (2019-06-29 06:50:24UTC)


Anonymous (6b55) #1415 (2019-02-15 15:43:13UTC)

Had a lot of fun last night! Thanks for everything Claud, see you again next year.

Anonymous (285f) #1414 (2019-02-14 22:23:32UTC)

Claud can't kill me with his stream if I'm already dead inside

Anonymous (00bc) #1413 (2019-02-14 22:04:08UTC)

bring back Claud

claud ## Mod #1412 (2019-02-14 22:01:18UTC)


Who fucking knows, lets just keep going~

Anonymous (4149) #1411 (2019-02-13 23:15:17UTC)

Hang in there lads, we'll make it.

Anonymous (8052) #1410 (2019-02-12 16:25:54UTC)

I guess it's that time of year again. Need to go stock up on booze.

Anonymous (1f73) #1409 (2019-02-08 15:50:50UTC)

how many kills does he need before he gets his waifu nuke killstreak reward

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