The submit page now shows how many submitted tracks there currently are on the pending list. I added this mostly to give you some idea of how long it might take for your submission to be processed, but also so you don't have to wonder if anyone's actually ever even going through them. On that note, I plan on going through the list at least about once a week so it doesn't grow as huge as it sometimes does.
I also added the following lines to the submission guidelines:
- Low quality uploads are likely to be declined if it's obvious better quality versions are available
- If you can remember, please include where you downloaded the file from
If you feel like your submission is taking a long time to be accepted (or just want it fast tracked), you can bug me about it on IRC (by PM, not on the channel). I might not be online, but you don't need to wait for my reply, just let me know what the song is and I'll take a look when I'm back and have time. Except if it's Touhou, I'll probably leave those for Kethsar to accept since he's much more autistic about 2hu tagging. Nobody else than me does these anymore so ignore that.
NFT when?