As always, thanks for listening during the holidays. I'm pretty sure we broke several records like longest contiguous streams (on christmas, about 4 days, maybe a little more (unless the new years stream goes on for longer, since it's only "officially" done when I'm writing this)) and most listeners (3659 on new years, sometime after GMT midnight) this year. That said, the listener record feels like cheating since it was embedded in a sticky and it's impossible to tell how many were actually actively listening, but even if we take a modest guess and say half of the listeners were actually listening, it does still break the previous record of 1555.
So what's in store for r/a/dio in 2022? You might have noticed the "mute vtuber songs" toggle under "more options". I added that there as a kind of a joke feature, but we/I figured I should probably expand it to a thing where you can mute any tags/artists/song titles you don't like, and maybe play either the fallback (or something else) instead of silence when something muted is playing. I'll try to get around to doing that before long. As with every year, no actual development aside from (maybe) small features like this is likely to happen.
The End Of Evangelion - Komm Süsser Tod