Valentine's Day 2022 Stream Kethsar

Truly you are here forever, just like our bartending goose DJ, Claud. Unable to escape, Claud will be doing his yearly Valentine's Day stream. Hug your waifu tightly as he takes you on a roller coaster of emotion, ultimately ending in (You)r suicide.

Stream starts around 22:00 GMT as always.

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Anonymous (404c) #1988
2022-12-09 22:42:19 UTC

rip Kethsar

Anonymous (51d6) #1987
2022-12-09 19:17:16 UTC


Anonymous (b881) #1986
2022-12-05 18:36:33 UTC

Can you fucking believe that New Years Eve is in just a couple of WEEKS! When are you guys going to make a Christmas Eve/Christmas/and ESPECIALLY the NYE post?!

We're waiting! Man I hope its better than the last 2 have been. 2019 and 2020 were BANGERS...Lets just go back and do whats natural...What most people want...Just a simplistic, fun, occasionally for the DJ a shittalking bit of moment, if they actually TALK, which I support! Anyhow, gahh I'm excited! Xmas Eve was the best last year IM

Anonymous (4277) #1983
2022-10-15 22:28:02 UTC


Anonymous (c45b) #1976
2022-05-08 15:04:53 UTC


Anonymous (cde3) #1973
2022-04-04 18:55:33 UTC


Anonymous (bef1) #1969
2022-02-14 22:20:27 UTC

Let's take a moment to pour one out for all the normie wagecucks not with us today

Anonymous (bfe4) #1968
2022-02-14 21:54:15 UTC

does work count as a valentine? :(

Anonymous (8629) #1967
2022-02-14 18:27:36 UTC

Well here we are altogether, once more Gents! I hope you all are as loaded as I am...Anyone wanna make a Suicide Pact? J/K...Somewhat.. ;;^_^

Anonymous (1ce7) #1966
2022-02-14 14:59:53 UTC

wagecucks OUT

Anonymous (c561) #1965
2022-02-14 12:43:40 UTC

Today is the day

Anonymous (201a) #1964
2022-02-14 11:09:05 UTC


Anonymous (d44a) #1963
2022-02-13 20:12:13 UTC

My goodness, I can't believe it's Easter again already.

Anonymous (4d76) #1962
2022-02-13 07:42:02 UTC

very noice i wageslaved through all of christmas and LNY for a brand new Audio Technica™ m50x® just for this

Anonymous (c1cb) #1961
2022-02-13 03:05:34 UTC

i'm so ronery ;___;

Anonymous (66e3) #1960
2022-02-11 21:54:05 UTC

>On a weekday
I hate being a wage-slave AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Anonymous (436d) #1959
2022-02-10 13:18:53 UTC

I love the equilibrium of being on the verge of lonely suicide, while jamming out.

Anonymous (7f6b) #1958
2022-02-10 04:24:19 UTC

>Valentine's on a Monday
No thanks.

Anonymous (9778) #1957
2022-02-10 03:38:55 UTC

Best stream of the year is here!

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